I was reading the review of Nothing To Be Frightened Of by Julian Barnes in the Times Literary Supplement, there is this quote from him and an addition by the reviewer John Carey: ‘ “I don’t believe in God, but I miss him,” he admits — a perfect summary of the modern western predicament.’

That line stuck in my head, a day later I am putting down here my reaction to it. The intuitive need for a Spiritual life is the clue to follow, get to know what it is that summons, that offers more than is obvious. Become intimately acquainted with what you already know, have always known; be your own guide and tourist; for the time being stop using labels and rules, look to where intuition has always been willing to guide.

Never forget that the church is an institution, set up as an organization by a bunch of guys who wanted to please an emperor, have a creed that all would obey; they chose writings that would be allowed in the book, and those that would be forbidden, wrote that promise of obedience–the creed. I have no idea what the intentions were in these men, I do know about the emperor, the meeting on the island, orthodoxy; all may have been done for noble reasons, but no other person can know the divine better than any other, that is the essence of being acceptable, it has been the power of the example for two thousand years, it is in the nature of being.

The symbols, the rituals, the liturgy will return and be even more important, but only after one knows the nature of the divine, one has looked inside and found the truth. All the other stuff is nice, and it fits; it is supplementary, it does not lead one to understand the ‘ultimate concern’.

By whatever name one uses the absence of it does leave a void, the important missing part; the need and the quest to know are the basis of the First Commandment, true then true now.

The word “God” carries so much baggage for me, so much that is not my own that I refrain from using it when I look into my own soul and when I write; a term that often fits for me is “wellspring of being”, it portrays not only the source, but is active and ongoing, has the mystery of the source of the spring. Most often I use no word; attempt to be beyond words; to be beyond emotions, accept them, transcend them; step slowly and carefully into the void, with the courage to go towards the infinite.